Thursday, February 5, 2009

Good Night Irena

I received a tender little story via e-mail a few days ago. It was a story of Irena Sendler, told by Glenn Beck. Take a few minutes and watch...


Melissa's Musings said...

This story serioulsy kills me!!! Stupid Al Gore & his stupid global warming slideshow! Ia m so sure! It's bad enough that he won an Oscar!! He only won cuz the celebs needed a new cause to get behind so they latched on to this global warming trend & since we do everythign the celebs tells us we now have to live in a world where Al Gore is a Nobel Prize AND an Oscar winner!! That lady was serioulsy so adorable!

Ashley said...

What a courageous woman! She was a true hero.

Ariane said...

Oh my Heavens! That was such a good story. I started crying listening to it and then I had to tell my sisters who were sitting here. Oh man! That killed me!