Monday, May 18, 2009

Bonjour mes amies!

We made it to Paris FINALLY around 1pm Sunday afternoon. We had a few very tight layovers but we managed to arrive.

Today was a very busy day. We hit up the Louvre, Arch de Triumph, Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coures, Moulin Rouge, a ride on the Bateaux down the Seine and the Eiffel Tower again when it was all sparkly! A VERY productive day. Yesterday we did Notre Dame and Luxemborg gardens. Tommorrow (Tuesday) we're off to see Versailles and the catacombs. I'm sure we've done more but I can't remember.

Right now I'm using the free internet our hostel. Dustin has been DYING to use his Russian. He justfound two people sitting across from me who speak it! Isn't that exciting...

I think we've spent a small fortune just on metro tickets alone. There's got to be a more efficient way of payingfor these things!

Anywho, after our day tomorrow, we fly to Athens later, arriving at 11:30 and then we're on the ferry at 7:30 the nex morning.

I hope everyone is doing well! Miss me! We're having a BLAST!!!!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Relay For Life

Alyssa's friend Eliza put this video together, showing her journey through her experience with cancer and why she participates in the Relay for Life. Take a look:

When you’re done if you wish to contribute please follow the link below to Eliza's page and click donate. "I know times are tough right now, but even the minimum donation of $5 would be truly appreciated and you are even able to write it off on your taxes as a charitable contribution." ~Eliza

Donate to Relay for Life

Also if you would like them to light a luminaria at Relay for Life in honor or remembrance of someone you know that has battled with cancer you can follow this link to have them set one up for you. The luminarias are an amazing site to see lit up around the track during the night.

Light a Luminaria

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

American Idol - Rock 'N Roll

Adam - This is definitely his gig!!!

Allison - And hers as well, but sing Somebody to Love next time please.

Duet w/ Kris and Danny - I don't think they could hear themselves up there.

Kris - Bottom two!

Danny - Bloody mess. Bottom two!

Duet w/ safe #1 and safe #2 - They were eatin' that song up!