Friday, February 20, 2009

Disneyland EXTRA!

The Grapevine was closed on Monday due to bad weather conditions which allowed us two options: the desert (Hwy 58) or the coast (Hwy 101). We chose the coast. In doing so, we stopped at our favorite cupcake joint in Beverly Hills, Sprinkles! As you may recall, this has been one of Oprah's favorite things. Most of our gang hadn't been. I had, remember that one time I was there and I saw Collier Strong (aka hair/makeup dude from Project Runway).

Anywho, this time we were patiently standing in line, making sure the door to the shop remained closed. They are VERY sensitive about this as it dries out the cupcakes if the door stays open. While standing in line, a very familiar face (to me) walked up and stood behind us. Is that Hank? None of my people knew who I was speaking of. When I overheard his conversation on the phone "Hi, this is Hank..." I KNEW IT!!!! Don't mess with me and my head full of useful knowledge! Another real live celeb in our midst! Here's the picture we calmly snapped while in line as Lindsay strategically placed herself in position. Do you see him behind Lindsay looking at us? Click the picture for a zoom. What a day!

P.S. For those of you who don't know who Hank is, he was married to Helen Hunt. He is several voices in The Simpsons (BLEK!), voice of Bartok the bat from Anastasia ("That fell right out there, sir") and more. Click here for more info.

P.S.S. It took us 12 hours to get home that day due to weather and traffic. We drove by everything else we had previously discussed visiting if we hadn't gone to Disneyland - Solvang, San Luis Obispo, Hearst Castle, Paso Robl...just kidding!


Loren said...

Um...excuse me but I knew who Hank was...I was in the front of the group anxiously waiting for my cupcakes and couldn't hear what you guys were talking about.

Ariane said...

I was one of the less informed people in the group. Now I did feel completely satisfied at the end of the trip. We truly saw everything we had previously talked about. After spending two hours to get through Santa Barbara, I did not quite enjoy the view as much.