Monday, October 12, 2009

Pocahontas Day

Well, here I am at work...on Columbus Day (or Pocahontas Day, as I like to refer to it). We're here because our Governor is a B@$!@*!). Yes, he is.

If you haven't heard about the Columbus Day controversy, feel free to read a lil' bit about it here online via our "favorite" local newspaper:

In a nutshell, our proposed contact with the butth@le in charge was to exchange both Columbus and Lincoln holidays for two floating holidays, meaning we'd be free to use the time at our own discretion. This proposal saves the State money by not having to pay correctional officers double pay for working on said "holidays". However, the governor renigged on his handshake and the contract was never signed and ratified. Technically, this means that our old contract should still be in force since a new one has yet to be agreed upon. Apparently, he and his crackers feel they get to pick and choose what is and is not in effect. We're in the middle of quite the brawl being had between Butth@le and the Union! In the end, we're here on Pocahontas Day AND we're still working with three furloughs! Could life get any better as State workers??? I look forward to receiving my double time in pay (which will end up costing him more money) for working on a holiday!

Answer me this, why is it that Columbus and Lincoln are the two days to be picked on? These holidays have been in place for YEARS! In my opinion, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered us...and Pocahontas! Why not get rid of the last two holidays we were given, Caesar Chavez and MLK?! I'm sure we don't need to wonder too long why those two weren't touched!