Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gearin' it up...

I have to tell you about a funny I did this morning. I'm driving Little Jimmy, my pickup, to work this morning. I get to about Howe. For those of you not familiar with the area, that's about four exits from my house. I'm be-boppin' along when I see that the gear shift is leaning closer to the seat. I thought "How did that get down there?" Then I realized that I had been driving 65+ in 4th gear!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sure! I then shifted into 5th gear and continued on my way. It immediately sounded and felt a lot better. I am such a dork sometimes. Little Jimmy doesn't have a tachometer so who knows if it would have been in the red that whole time. Sheesh. The pick up takes a beatin' but it sure keeps on tickin'. Nevermind that I've hd the thing for probably three years now and I've never changed the oil!!!! Granted, I don't really drive it alot but I'm sure it's probably time for a lube job nonetheless!

Paiute #10 update:

I spent last night painting two rooms. I finally decided that I would go ahead and use the 5 gallons of paint that I had purchased. Initially, I had brought it home but was very concerned about the color. I didn't want my tenants to feel like they were living in a cave. After much debate and HELP! calls to Mom Turner, we all decided that I would just paint and get it done with. I LOVE IT!!!! I should have never doubted myself. Well done John Turner because in the end the color turned out F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S! Pictures will be up soon...when I have time. At this juncture, I have 2 1/2 rooms to paint, bathroom gussied up, and a butt load of little things like outlets, and such left to deal with. It's getting there, people!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Memories...light the corners of my mind!!!

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Camping Trip

The family and a few close friends went camping at Olema Ranch Campground, a place the family has been going to for at least 15 years. It's near Point Reyes with a much cooler climate than that of Sacramento. There ended up being about 35 of us within five camp sites. May the people who reserved their campsite in the middle of our group learn a valuable lesson! Never reserve OUR campsites! As you can see, we have the site starting from the tip of the truck seen on the very left to the gold minivan on the right. The one campsite with the white Honda Pilot is not ours. They somehow infitrated themselves amongst our sites.

Here's Kebs, Madeline, and Morgan in his new ride, a John Deere dump truck. He LOVED it!

Here's Grant and John F squishing berries for the ice cream. Yes, we make ice cream while camping.

Game anyone? Scrabble? Phase 10? Parcheesi?

One of our many feasts...

This is Tammy's bed. In our camping, we bring the indoors outdoors!

Penny, Buffy and I walked the earthquake trail at the Bear Valley visitor's center.
We came across this huge intruiging tree.

Here are some other views I captured on the trail...

Here are two very strange things I happened to stumble upon in the camp site...Mom and Dad with they're new found glasses, complete with wipers and lights!

Can you hear me now? FYI - Sprint is useless in the Point Reyes vicinity. Verizon is touch and go (as you can see here) and ATT rocked and rocked it hard!

Madeline and Madison at Stinson.

Additional photos from the trip can be viewed on