Sunday, February 8, 2009

ARB Turns Three!

Our very own American River Branch turned three in January! Can you believe? Those of us who have been there since it's inception can't really believe it either. That's another year we've spent in a YSA ward/branch...but that's another issue.

Anywho, here are a few pics from the party. As you will most likely notice, it was a superhero themed party. We had some great 'heroes' in our presence:

Here we have Jenn D (Super camera girl (?)), Lindsay (Jem, truly truly truly outrageous!), Errin (Batgirl), and Ariane (American River Branch). Their powers combined were quite overwhelming!

Here's Clark Kent (c'est moi!) and Super camera girl:

BTW - Don't you just totally dig my new glasses? I do!

...and another Clark Kent. Copycat...

Here we have Becky (Pink Power Ranger), Shana (Rogue, X-Men), et moi (Clark Kent):

Here's American River Branch and Clark Kent, off to save the world! Don't worry, her hair lights up so we're safe to travel at night!

1 comment:

Ariane said...

Boy, the more I look at my wig I realize it really was worth only $3.00. It is pretty hideous.