Monday, March 22, 2010

The Turners New Blog

As you have probably noticed, this blog of mine has become a little stale.  However, Lindsay and I have started a new blog together.  Visit us now at


Monday, October 12, 2009

Pocahontas Day

Well, here I am at work...on Columbus Day (or Pocahontas Day, as I like to refer to it). We're here because our Governor is a B@$!@*!). Yes, he is.

If you haven't heard about the Columbus Day controversy, feel free to read a lil' bit about it here online via our "favorite" local newspaper:

In a nutshell, our proposed contact with the butth@le in charge was to exchange both Columbus and Lincoln holidays for two floating holidays, meaning we'd be free to use the time at our own discretion. This proposal saves the State money by not having to pay correctional officers double pay for working on said "holidays". However, the governor renigged on his handshake and the contract was never signed and ratified. Technically, this means that our old contract should still be in force since a new one has yet to be agreed upon. Apparently, he and his crackers feel they get to pick and choose what is and is not in effect. We're in the middle of quite the brawl being had between Butth@le and the Union! In the end, we're here on Pocahontas Day AND we're still working with three furloughs! Could life get any better as State workers??? I look forward to receiving my double time in pay (which will end up costing him more money) for working on a holiday!

Answer me this, why is it that Columbus and Lincoln are the two days to be picked on? These holidays have been in place for YEARS! In my opinion, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered us...and Pocahontas! Why not get rid of the last two holidays we were given, Caesar Chavez and MLK?! I'm sure we don't need to wonder too long why those two weren't touched!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kevin "bowm chicka bowm bowm"

My little Kebs is too stinkin' cute!!!
Be sure to pause the blog music before playing the video.

"Woop Woop!"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trip to Zion

Amanda was finally done with Paul Mitchell late last week. Dad, Grant and I drove to the UT to bring her on home. We left mid-day Wednesday. It took us a good twelve hours to get to Provo due to road work along I-80, much of it in and around Reno. I knew Amanda needed assistance moving her life back to Sac Town so I was prepared to make the trek. That drive to UT is one I have ALWAYS dreaded. The last time we had driven that lovely stretch of highway was nearly twelve years ago. I had been lucky enough never to have driven it other than that one moment in time. It's not one I'd ever like to do again. However, we enjoyed ourselves as much as we could and made it home in one piece, safe and sound. Here are some highlights from our journey:

First, let me show you what we were up against. Between the orange barrel thingies blocking one of the two lanes, semis galore, and a 55 mph speed limit, we never had a chance to make anything close to resembling "good time". Hi 12 hours! Personally, I think they purposefully left those orange barrels there as their "money makers". Seriously, I never saw any construction going on and yet the barrels were left out. You know that traffic violations within construction zones are doubled! It's all a scheme...

Here is a snapshot of our state of mind just four hours into the trip...

In our travels, we came across this, I've never experienced such a HUGE BM!!!!! hehe...

For entertainment, we went to a place called Cabela's, which I think was the Fry's equivalent of an outdoors shop. Here's Grant trying out the tent cot thingie...

We stayed at some very good friends of Dad's, the Richey's. Here we are playing in their backyard:

I must say that Zion certainly has a great variety of different eateries. Twice, we at ate a place called JCW's which is a burger joint but also has GREAT milk shakes and a variety of other items. LOVED IT! For dinner one night, we ate at a placed called The Pie near "The U" in Salt Lake. Excellent pizza and "Zappis".

Here is Dad and Tom Richey with their two pizzas:

Here is my pepperoni Zappis:

Before going to The Pie, we stopped at Sister (Sharon) Richey's. Dad stayed with Sister Richey before and after his mission as he was adored by the Richey family. It's in the blood! See, I come by it honestly!

Here we all are with Sharon Richey herself. She was DARLING!:

Here is a shot of Dad, Sharon Richey, and Tom Richey:

She happens to live down the street from the Mount Timpanogas temple which was right next to a corn field. Here's a pic. The corn fields always remind me of the Hitchcock film "North by Northwest".

Thursday night my friend Melissa and my new friend Joni came down from Idaho and we went to dinner at the Cracker Barrel. Cute little eating establishment! We enjoyed ourselves while catching up on life.

Here's Amanda and I during our drive home. Thankfully, it only took us 9-ish hours to get home. Thank goodness!

Overall, it was a decent trip. Many thanks to the Richey's for letting us stay in their beautiful home!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Expired: By Date or by Smoke?

I always like going to our local Grocery Outlet. It's always an adventure as one never knows just what they'll find. I've found a variety of items there (i.e. Coleman blowup camping couches, $4.99 DVDs, $1.99 Dreyers ice cream, etc.). I always make that my first stop when food shopping as they may or may not have some of the items I've been needing. The prices are awesome! They have a great frozen foods section as well as a good size produce section. Sometimes some of the produce looks a little sick, but you take the good with the bad, right? This brings me to the issue at hand (allegedly). One does need to check out the expiration date of the foods purchased. I've noticed some items are set to expire anywhere from a month to several months away from the present. Honestly, if I need mayo for a salad for camping during the upcoming summer months, who really cares if it expires just after the summer's end. This is not to say that everything sold there is at the brink of its expiration. Today I purchased cans of Rotel tomatoes, $.69 each!!! That's a STEAL! The expiration is May 2010! HELLO! Works for me.

Anywho, during the past year, I've had to walk through picketers standing in front of the store, trying to shove their fliers in my face. The "activists" claim Grocery Outlet sells some items close to the expiration date. Okay. So. What of it? Today, as I marched through the picket line, I had to pass three people handing out fliers...with cigarettes in their mouths. So let me get this straight - you're concerned that I'm buying nearly expired items because of your concern for my health? You, with the cancer stick hanging from your mouth, are advocating against nearly expired food?

Personally, I'm an advocate of an intelligent consumer. Almost everyone has internet access. Do your own research on your products before going to purchase something. Shoppers of the Grocery Outlet are probably able to make their own judgments as to whether or not they'll buy that jar of mayo that is about to expire in the near future. I just thought it was ironic/contradictory the cause these people are fighting for.

There's my rant for the day. I shall continue to shop at the Grocery Outlet! It's clean, the employees are friendly, and the prices rock!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Storm clouds approaching...How's your ark coming?

Alyssa sent this out a few days ago and I thought it was really well done. Take a few minutes to view it. You will probably end up feeling more inspired to prepare you and your families afterwards. (Note: be sure to pause my blog's music before playing the video)

Here is the blog from where it came. You might find some other little helpful tidbits.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Two hundred thirty three years ago (July 1776) America declared Independence from Great Britain. The Committee of Five, which consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman, signed their names to the Declaration of Independence.

John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail:
“The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more. ”
Please note he did say "second day of July". If you wantt the details, go and Wikipedia it.

I believe the painting below is one of the most powerful having to do with our country. We believe these men were inspired, by God, to sign this document which declared our independence, thereby creating the United States of America.

May we all continue to take pride in our country...despite our current political leaders...and be thankful for the country we live in today. I can't help but get teary eyed each time I hear our national anthem. "...the land of the free and the home of the brave." Indeed we are.

My two favorite patriotic songs are "God Bless the USA" (which also brings on the tears, I know, I'm a baby!) and "America the Beautiful" by Ray Charles.

What are yours? Feel free to leave them in the comments below.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July! I know I did!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I realize Easter has come and gone but I apparently failed to upload some great photos from our family festivities. Enjoy the slideshow! These photos are super fun!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bad week for Hollywood

The world lost three Hollywood icons this last week, one right after another.

Ed McMahon, 86, died Tuesday
Cause of death: Unknown, but he supposedly had bone cancer
I remember him from Star Search back in the 80s and 90s. Also known for Publisher's Clearing House.

Farrah Fawcett, 62, died Thursday
Cause of death: cancer
Yes, Charlie, one of your angels has left the building. I'd say she was better known for her role in Charlie's Angels. Also known as part of the freakshow that was the on and off relationship of Ryan O'Neal and Farrah!

Charlie's Angels

Michael Jackson, 50, died Thursday
Cause of death: Unknown, possibly pain pills and dancing too much (seriously, that's what I heard!)
Freakshow indeed but I can't help but think how miserable and lonely this man was. Hopefully he's in a better place now and the happiest he's ever been.

They say things happen in 3s. Let's hope we don't start another set of 3 anytime soon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Post

I realize it has been what seems like forever since my last post. Since my return from my European vacay, life has been busy and full! Please know I do plan on posting as soon as I get a moment.

Please stay tuned as I have much to update ya'll on. Highlights include Europe, camping, WiCKED in SF and a lil' something I like to call LC!

Talk at ya soon!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Arnold, the A$$hole

Here is an article from the SacBee regarding Arnold and the State employee:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he doesn't have a problem with state workers making $63,815 in average base pay, but he does not think the "unbelievable benefits" they receive are sustainable.

"I think that it doesn't bother me as much that a state worker makes $60,000," Schwarzenegger said. "What bothers me more is when you have those unbelievable benefits that cost the state an enormous amount of money on top of that. So at one point or the other, something has to give." (I THINK WE, THE CIVIL SERVANTS, HAVE ALREADY GIVEN ENOUGH)
Schwarzenegger answered a wide range of questions from The Bee's editorial board and online readers during an hour-long Web interview. The video will be available for replay later today at

The governor said that while he may not feel the same way , "people" tell him they believe state workers should share in the economic pain that the private sector is facing. IS THE TEN PERCENT, SOON TO BE 14.5% NOT ENOUGH?!
He already has required state workers to take twice monthly furloughs. Last month, he began laying off 5,000 general fund employees and asked the Legislature to cut state worker salaries by 5 percent. Altogether, the salary cut and furloughs would reduce state worker pay by 14.2 percent.
"People come up to me and they say, 'What are those state employees complaining about?' " Schwarzenegger said. "'I mean, you just made a cut of 5 percent layoff, in the general fund area only. Not in the special funds, just in the general fund area, 5 percent layoff. And they are screaming and complaining. Are they in touch with reality, that the outside, the private sector has 11 percent unemployment? Where is their 11 percent unemployment.' So those are the questions, that's not my question, those are the questions the people are coming up to us with."

Schwarzenegger added, "I think the bottom line is, we all have to chip in. It's a crisis."
The End.

The State of California is in a world of hurt with this piece of crap running the state. I’m not looking forward to the next election either as our options on either side of the fence seem to be disastrous!

The people of California, the whiners about state civil servants, here’s a big SCREW YOU! Let’s go ahead and shut down the DMV twice a month. SCREW YOU! Let’s have CalTrans stop work on the freeways twice a month. SCREW YOU! All of you pathetic abusers of Medi-Cal and welfare, you shouldn’t be able to call in two days out of the month to either enroll or get assistance. SCREW YOU! You want to continue to cut our wages, your services should be cut as well. After all, as your piece of crap governor has mentioned, “we all have to chip in”!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bonjour mes amies!

We made it to Paris FINALLY around 1pm Sunday afternoon. We had a few very tight layovers but we managed to arrive.

Today was a very busy day. We hit up the Louvre, Arch de Triumph, Champs Elysees, Eiffel Tower, Sacre Coures, Moulin Rouge, a ride on the Bateaux down the Seine and the Eiffel Tower again when it was all sparkly! A VERY productive day. Yesterday we did Notre Dame and Luxemborg gardens. Tommorrow (Tuesday) we're off to see Versailles and the catacombs. I'm sure we've done more but I can't remember.

Right now I'm using the free internet our hostel. Dustin has been DYING to use his Russian. He justfound two people sitting across from me who speak it! Isn't that exciting...

I think we've spent a small fortune just on metro tickets alone. There's got to be a more efficient way of payingfor these things!

Anywho, after our day tomorrow, we fly to Athens later, arriving at 11:30 and then we're on the ferry at 7:30 the nex morning.

I hope everyone is doing well! Miss me! We're having a BLAST!!!!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Relay For Life

Alyssa's friend Eliza put this video together, showing her journey through her experience with cancer and why she participates in the Relay for Life. Take a look:

When you’re done if you wish to contribute please follow the link below to Eliza's page and click donate. "I know times are tough right now, but even the minimum donation of $5 would be truly appreciated and you are even able to write it off on your taxes as a charitable contribution." ~Eliza

Donate to Relay for Life

Also if you would like them to light a luminaria at Relay for Life in honor or remembrance of someone you know that has battled with cancer you can follow this link to have them set one up for you. The luminarias are an amazing site to see lit up around the track during the night.

Light a Luminaria