Sunday, September 21, 2008

Two guys, a girl and a zoo

Ashley NY was in town this weekend for a very quick trip. I was lucky enough to make it into her itinerary and spend some time with her.

Saturday morning we picked up Kebs as I've wanted to take him to the zoo forever! He quickly took to Ashley. He LOVED the zoo. I think the monkey's were his favorite. Unfortunately this zoo did not have any elephants. However, it did have a "train" (that tried to steal my camera but that's another scary and stressful story)!

Kebs was in charge of the mappage situation.

We came across a scary crocodile!
Okay, it wasn't so scary.
It just didn't have any personality!

We came across some funny looking marsupials...

And here we are in front of the flamingos...really, they're there!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yay us!! What a fun day (and weekend)! I'm glad we got to play so much! :)

PS I love Kebs.