Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Camping Trip

The family and a few close friends went camping at Olema Ranch Campground, a place the family has been going to for at least 15 years. It's near Point Reyes with a much cooler climate than that of Sacramento. There ended up being about 35 of us within five camp sites. May the people who reserved their campsite in the middle of our group learn a valuable lesson! Never reserve OUR campsites! As you can see, we have the site starting from the tip of the truck seen on the very left to the gold minivan on the right. The one campsite with the white Honda Pilot is not ours. They somehow infitrated themselves amongst our sites.

Here's Kebs, Madeline, and Morgan in his new ride, a John Deere dump truck. He LOVED it!

Here's Grant and John F squishing berries for the ice cream. Yes, we make ice cream while camping.

Game anyone? Scrabble? Phase 10? Parcheesi?

One of our many feasts...

This is Tammy's bed. In our camping, we bring the indoors outdoors!

Penny, Buffy and I walked the earthquake trail at the Bear Valley visitor's center.
We came across this huge intruiging tree.

Here are some other views I captured on the trail...

Here are two very strange things I happened to stumble upon in the camp site...Mom and Dad with they're new found glasses, complete with wipers and lights!

Can you hear me now? FYI - Sprint is useless in the Point Reyes vicinity. Verizon is touch and go (as you can see here) and ATT rocked and rocked it hard!

Madeline and Madison at Stinson.

Additional photos from the trip can be viewed on

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