Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've decided to go Blu...

Bear with me as I wave my geek flag for just a moment - Much like Beyonce (or shall I say Sasha Fierce?), I have found myself at a crossroad <Listen!>. As movies are being released in both DVD and Blu-ray formats, I realize my mad decision making skills are about to be implemented. Just less than a year ago, the High Definition (HD) format war was in full effect, HD DVD vs. Blu-ray. I figured I had at LEAST a year before things settled down and a format winner announced, giving me quite some time before I had to spend money on this new technology. Uhhhh I had no idea prices would drop so soon! Let me tell ya, there were some tempting prices for Blu-ray players on Black Friday. I was almost ready to buy the $128 Magnavox Blu-ray player just so that I’d have one ready to go for my first Blu-ray purchase. You know how desperate I was if I was about buy a Mag! YIKES! My electronic cohort who has my TV’s twin would probably keel over had he known. However, I managed to remain strong and not give.
I’m not sure if you are aware of this or not, but Mamma Mia will be released on 12/16. This is the first movie in a long while that I decided I’d pay full price for as soon as it was released. It’s absolutely fantastic! Anywho, not sure if you’ve noticed but 12/16 is on its way, full speed ahead folks! I have to choose between DVD and Blu-ray. Mamma Mia would be a GREAT movie for Blu-ray as the scenery is amazing! I’ve made my decision and I’m buying it in Blu-ray, player or no player. At least I’ll have it…
…which brings me to this – I’m totally getting a Sony Blu-ray player! Why? Oh because I have enough Sony points to get a free one, the super nice one too! I just knew all that spending would count for something one of these days!

Here’s the little gem here:

For those of you wondering what the difference is, think of the difference between VHS and DVD. Once I started watching DVD, VHS hurt my eyes! Now when I watch HD on TV, even DVD doesn’t look nearly as good. For those of you without a discerning eye, lucky you! You’ll save yourself a lot of money if you aren’t able to tell the difference. For those of us who are able to tell, the resolution of Blu-ray and HD programming is much higher than what we’re all used to. It’s fantastic! It’s taken me a while to be sold on this new technology, but I think it’s finally happened, and with Blu-ray disc coming down in price, now is the time for me, I think.

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