Sunday, June 29, 2008

Provident Living

Not sure if ya'll are aware of the variety of natural disasters that have been occurring nationwide, if not worldwide, recently:

Tornadoes in Colorado
Flooding in Ohio
Wildfires in California

It seems like they are happening more and more frequently these days. I can't help but to think that the last days really are here. As we've been encouraged by our church leaders, I'm beginning to realize the importance of having a food storage.

On Saturday, the American River Branch had an activity at the local cannery. We were able to can our own food to our individual orders. In less than two hours, we canned enough to fill the orders of eight people. It went quicked than I had ever anticipated. With the exception of three additional cases of wheat, I have my year supply of grains for one person. It feels so good to have that done. Now I just have to find a place for it all.

Here are pictures of the food storage:

For your information, the church's website,, has a lot of information on what should be included in a food storage. There is also a calulcator for your use to calculate the amount of essentials needed for a specified amount of time.

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